Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing #15 Library 2.0

Create a blog post about your thoughts on any one of these? Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?

I believe Library 2.0 means using information and technology together in new ways that require more active participation and independent input that ever before.
Since the library is a growing organism, it is important to harness these resources and continue to offer our expertise but also to respond the demands of both our physical patrons as well as our virtual users.

One aspect of the manifesto I found truly inspiring was the line:

"I will be courageous about proposing new services and new ways of providing services, even though some of my colleagues will be resistant."

I wonder --- how resistant I would be considered if I refuse to get a myspace account?


Leigh said...

MySpace is awful. Try facebook,it's much better. Alot of professionals and adults there, rather than the middle school crowd at MySpace.

Jody said...

You are doing great and thing 23 is really close. Keep on keepin' on and you too will get a cool prize.

MBustillo said...

Thanks for the advice Leigh.
I'm gonna hold out on Facebook a little bit longer but not in any "resistant" fashion.